Colon Commands

The required portion of each command is shown in a brighter, bolded font. The remainder of the command is optional.

At any location where a unit callsign is entered, an existing (already created) unit is expected. COMING SOON: When you add a period (.) on the end of the callsign, the unit will be created on-the-fly if it doesn't already exist.

Incident commands


Mark an incident as closed. Any units assigned to the incident will be returned to In Service (IS) status.

  1. incident_id - The ID number of the affected incident


Edit an incident.

  1. incident_id - The ID number of the affected incident


Create a new incident. Without any arguments, the New Incident page is presented, followed by the Edit Incident page.

To create the new incident immediately and jump straight to the Edit Incident page, provide at least a reporting party and description via the command line. You can also optionally provide a location on the command line.

If a location is provided on the command line and the reporting party is a registered unit, both the incident and unit are updated with the given location.

If a location is NOT provided on the command line and the reporting party is a registered unit, the location of the unit is copied in to the location of the incident.

  1. rp - Reporting party
  2. description - Description of the incident
  3. location - Location of the incident


View an incident, without locking it.

  1. incident_id - The ID number of the affected incident

Navigation commands


Go to the Incidents page.


Go to the Log page.


Go to the Main page.


Go to the Messages page.


Go to the Units page.

Unit commands


Mark a unit as At Destination. The unit has arrived at a destination that is not the scene of an incdient. For example, they transported someone to the finish line or a hospital. If the location of the unit is not specified, the previously-set destination is used.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Mark a unit as At Scene. The unit must already be assigned to an incident. The unit's new location is determined in this order: (1) Provided on the command line, (2) Unit's previously-noted destination, (3) The assigned incident's location.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Assign the unit to the given incident.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. incident - Incident ID


Mark a unit as Checked In. The unit is present and accounted-for, but not yet ready for service. For example, they showed up at the pre-event briefing or have checked in to say they're on the way to their post.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Mark a unit as Checked Out. The unit is done for the day or hasn't even started their day yet. I typically use this command to pre-create units ahead of an event.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Edit a unit.

  1. callsign - The callsign of the affected incident


Mark a unit as In Service. The unit is available, ready to perform their duties, and is not currently assigned to an incident or call for service.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Update a unit's location.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit


Mark a unit as temporarily Out of Service. The unit is still present, but is temporarily unavailable.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. location - The current location of the unit (optional)


Mark a unit as Responding. The unit must already be assigned to an incident. If a destination is not provided, the location of the incident is utilized.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. destination - The unit's destination


Mark a unit as Returning. If the unit was assigned to an incident, the assignment is cleared. The unit is considered to be available for assignment to another incident.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. destination - The unit's destination. Optional, but recommended.


Mark a unit as Transporting.

  1. unit - The callsign of the affected unit
  2. destination - The unit's destination. Optional, but recommended.


View a unit, without locking it.

  1. callsign - The callsign of the affected incident